Accountability must for ensuring quality education: campaigners

Rights activists and campaigners on Saturday underscored the need for accountability and participation of state and non-state actors in the education sector for ensuring quality education to the students.
Addressing an experience sharing session on accountability for SDG-4 and citizen participation in the capital’s BRAC Centre Inn, they said Bangladesh made huge progress towards increasing access to education and enrolment rates.
But, they said, despite of such huge achievements Bangladesh still lagged behind in quality education.
Campaign for Popular Education, an advocacy and campaign network operating in Bangladesh, and Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh jointly organised the sharing session to mark the Global Action Week for Education 2017.
Minister for primary and mass education Mostafizur Rahman said he himself found a deplorable scenario of education during his visits to different institutions. 
He said that students did not know what they should actually know after completion of the academic syllabus. 
Shamsul Alam, member for general economics division of planning commission, blamed corruption in the appointment of teachers from schools to universities for decreasing in the quality of education. 
‘Everything will be fine in the education sector only if we can appoint teachers without recommendations of any quarters,’ he said adding that quality teacher is must for quality education. 
Shamsul said how quality education could be ensured even when a university teacher get promoted to assistant professor after two years in job and to professor after serving 12 years in job without remarkable research works and proper evaluation. 
Mustafa K Mujeri, executive director of Institute for Inclusive Finance and Development, in his keynote paper suggested the government to adopt credible roadmaps to deliver quality and inclusive education in all educational institutions to achieve the SDG-4.
He said Bangladesh government must ensure accountability, transparency, participation and inclusion in the education sector if they wanted effective implementation of SDG-4. 
CAMPE executive director Rasheda K Chowdhury, Manusher Jonno Foundation executive director Shaheen Anam and representatives of different NGOs addressed, among others, the programme.


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