A peek inside Trump's chaotic trade war
Just days before announcing the latest round of tariffs on Chinese imports, President Donald Trump caught sight of a distressing suggestion as he flipped through the morning papers.
Qatar's response to demands 'negative,' Egyptian FM says
Doha, Qatar (CNN)Four Arab states said Wednesday they'll continue their diplomatic and economic boycott of Qatar after the Gulf nation responded negatively to their list of demands a month after a regional crisis began.
আজব টকশোর নিরপেক্ষ ময়নাতদন্ত! (গোলাম মাওলা রনি)
কক্সবাজারের লাবণী পয়েন্টের ঝিনুক মার্কেটের ব্যবসায়ীরা সেদিন একটু আশ্চর্য হয়েই পরস্পরকে জিজ্ঞাসা করতে লাগলেন, লোকটি কে? কিন্তু ব্যবসায়ীদের মধ্যে কেউই লোকটির পরিচয়, পদ-পদবি সম্পর্কে অবহিত ছিলেন না। লোকটি ২-৩ জন স্থানীয় ষণ্ডাগণ্ডা প্রকৃতির যুবক এবং ৩-৪ জন বন্দুকধারী পুলিশের কনস্টেবলকে নিজের বডিগার্ড বানিয়ে ঝিনুক মার্কেটে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছিলেন এবং এ দোকান ও দোকানে উঁকিঝুঁকি মেরে শামুক-ঝিনুকের মালা এবং বার্মিজ আচার এবং জুতা-স্যান্ডেলের দরদাম জিজ্ঞাসা করছিলেন।
Cologne mayor's 'arm's length' advice to avoid sex attacks draws ridicule
Cologne's mayor has come under fire for advising women to stay "an arm's length" from male strangers after alleged sexual assaults and muggings during New Year's Eve festivities in the German city.
Europe struggles to cope with migrants' march of misery
That's what the Hungarian interior minister said the migration pressure in Europe is creating in countries like his and Serbia, as well as others.
Misperceptions persist about Obama's faith, but aren't so widespread
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that although misperceptions about Barack Obama's religious beliefs and background persist, they are not as widespread as some recent polling has suggested. Obama was born in Hawaii and is a Christian.
New kids on the block.
The global arms trade is changing. What had traditionally been the playground for the United States (US), Russia, France, Germany and the UK is now under threat from other players, notably China (PRC).........
After Oil Spill in Bangladesh's Unique Mangrove Forest, Fears About Rare Animals
Tens of thousands of gallons of oil have spilled into the rivers and creeks of the Sundarbans region, threatening tigers, dolphins
Thanking Bangladesh
The demarcation of the India-Pakistan border by the British was a slapdash affair, concocted by a collapsing empire in headlong retreat from its responsibilities. The border itself was hastily drawn by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, a lawyer who had never visited India before receiving the assignment, and caused numerous practical problems.
Bangladesh: Asia's New Energy Superpower?
Even though Bangladesh just hit an energy mother lode in July –winning the rights to 20,000 square kilometers of natural gas-rich waters from India in a U.N. territorial arbitration, chances are you probably wouldn’t think of it.