Source: Boeing officials think debris found off Reunion looks like part of 777

Debris found in the western Indian Ocean on Wednesday appears to be part of a Boeing 777, the same model as Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that disappeared in 2014, according to a source close to the investigation.

Spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard granted parole

Convicted spy for Israel Jonathan Pollard has been granted parole and will be released from an American jail on Nov. 21, his lawyer announced Tuesday.

Facebook is now the world's most-used tech product

At the end of June, nearly 1.5 billion people used Facebook (FB, Tech30) at least once a month, the company reported on Wednesday. That's more than any other technology product in the world, including Microsoft's (MSFT, Tech30) ubiquitous Windows operating system.

The man who wouldn't hand over bin Laden to the U.S.

He is as mysterious in his reported death as he was mysterious in life. Mullah Omar, one of the world's most wanted men, died in a hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, more than two years ago, according to Afghan government officials. U.S. officials say they believe this to be a "credible" account.

Ex-prison worker Joyce Mitchell's confession: Sex, a painting and a plan

Former prison worker Joyce Mitchell pleaded guilty this week in relation to her role in the sensational June escape of two inmates in upstate New York. As part of her plea, she submitted detailed statements of her involvement with the convicted murderers David Sweat and Richard Matt.

Taliban supremo Mullah Omar ‘is dead’

The leader of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Mohammed Omar, has died, Afghan officials say, but the militant group has not commented on the claim. The reclusive leader died two to three years ago, Afghan government and intelligence sources said. No further details were released.

Donald Trump on debate preparation: 'I am what I am'

Donald Trump said Tuesday he's bringing his authentic self to the GOP presidential debate stage next week, and disparaged other top presidential hopefuls for relying too much on pollsters instead of directly answering questions.

Moammar Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam sentenced to death in Libya

A Tripoli court sentenced several officials in the former regime of slain Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to death Tuesday -- including Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam Gadhafi in absentia -- drawing criticism from the U.N. human rights office.

Obama: I could win 3rd term if I ran again

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he could win a third term in office if he ran again but that he is barred by the Constitution.

Injuries as 2,000 migrants try to enter Channel Tunnel in France to reach UK

About 2,000 migrants tried to enter the Channel Tunnel through the French terminal near Calais Monday night in an attempt to reach the UK, operator Eurotunnel says.