Afghan agency: ISIS leader killed in drone strike

A former Taliban leader thought to be ISIS' leader in Afghanistan and Pakistan has been killed in a U.S. drone strike, Afghanistan's intelligence agency said Saturday.

Joint Chiefs nominee: Russia greatest threat to U.S.

Russia currently poses the greatest global threat to the United States, according to the man slated to be President Barack Obama's top military advisor.

Greece submits new reform plan as clock ticks down

European leaders gave Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras an ultimatum earlier this week: Convince us by Sunday that you're serious about putting Greek finances in order and reforming the economy, or you're out of the euro.

China stocks rebound: Is the worst over?

The benchmark Shanghai Composite was up roughly 5% in early trading on Friday, while the smaller Shenzhen Composite added more than 4%.

Wild trading as China tries to stop market crash

The Shanghai Composite dropped 3% at the opening bell, but quickly reversed course and jumped into positive territory. The index couldn't hold onto the upward momentum, however, and was flat after roughly an hour and half of trading.

ISIS using encryption to evade FBI

Terror groups such as ISIS are using encrypted programs to prevent law enforcement officials from accessing their communications with recruits, presenting a major new obstacle to tracking terrorists, FBI director James Comey told lawmakers Wednesday.

Muslims raise $38,000 to rebuild burned black churches

Several black churches across the South have burned in recent weeks, some due to what is believed to be arson, while others fell victim to natural disasters such as lightning.

Alarm in India over dozens of deaths of people linked to Vyapam scandal

TV journalist Akshay Singh had spent about an hour talking to the family he had traveled to central India to interview when he started losing consciousness.

Pope notes: Francis says the rich shouldn't rule the world

Taking his eco-friendly message to the masses, Pope Francis called for a new system of global justice based on human rights and care for the environment rather than economic profits.

Hillary Clinton: 'People should and do trust me'

In Hillary Clinton's first national interview of the 2016 race, she attacked her Republican rivals on immigration and dismissed the suggestion that the American people have a problem trusting her.