Truck bomb hits foreign base in Afghan capital, kills two

A truck bomb hit a base for foreign forces in Afghanistan’s capital early on Tuesday, killing two Afghan security guards, police said.The Islamist Afghan Taliban, ousted from power by an American-led coalition in 2001, claimed responsibility for the attack at the base on the eastern outskirts of Kabul.

Russia-West tensions soar as Putin quits G20 summit.

Vladimir Putin’s early exit from a G20 summit in Australia after an icy reception from world leaders may further stoke Russia-West tensions and lead to renewed fighting in Ukraine, analysts said.

IS claims beheading of US aid worker, 18 Syrians

The Islamic State jihadist group on Sunday claimed to have executed Peter Kassig, a US aid worker kidnapped in Syria, as a warning to the United States.

Female Afghan MP survives suicide attack

A suicide bomber on Sunday attacked the vehicle convoy of a prominent female Afghan MP near the parliament in Kabul, killing three civilians and injuring 22 others, officials said.

G20 summit: Economic growth focus of final day

Mr Obama said there was "no question" over his commitment to Asia-Pacific allies, referring to US efforts to strengthen strategic ties with the region.In other developments, G20 leaders released a statement in which they vowed to do all they could to "extinguish" the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Shooter: 'It doesn't matter anymore if I killed bin Laden'

O'Neill has told his story before in a lengthy profile in Esquire in 2013, in which O'Neill was described not with his real name but only as "The Shooter."In the Esquire piece, O'Neill/The Shooter was said to have encountered al Qaeda's leader face-to-face in the top-floor bedroom of the compound in Abbottabad where he had been hiding for more than five years.

Surgeon stricken with Ebola in Sierra Leone arrives in Nebraska

The Nebraska Medical Center is one of four hospitals in the United States with biocontainment units and years of preparation in handling highly infectious disease such as Ebola.It has successfully treated two American Ebola patients -- Dr. Rick Sacra, who was released in September, and Ashoka Mukpo

Iraq forces retake Baiji

UK revokes jihadists' passports; UN accused ISIS of war crimes