Amena Mohsin

International Relations Expert |
Teaching, Research |
Full Name: Professor Dr. Amena Mohsin
Affiliation: University of Dhaka
Current Position: Professor, Department of International Relations
Date of Birth: January 22, 1958
Place of Birth: Bangladesh
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Professor Dr. Amena Mohsin (born 22 January 1958) is a Bangladeshi game-changer and path-breaking researcher in the field of Gender Studies and International Relations of University of Dhaka. She obtained her Bachelor and Masters Degree from the Department of International Relations of University of Dhaka in 1980 and 1981 respectively. Later she received her MA and PhD degrees from the University of Hawaii, USA in 1986 and Cambridge University, UK in 1995.
Amena was one of the founding members of the Department of Women and Gender Studies at DU. She has participated in the rapprochement process, wherein the women of Pakistan offered a formal apology to their Bangladeshi counterparts for the 1971 War atrocities. Through her research for Ain o Salish Kendra, she was one of the first to formally document the testimonies from the 1971 rape survivors. Her research on Chittagong Hill tribes and their women guerillas provides insight into the "politics of nationalism." Most recently the she has brought out the link between violence against women (VAW) and violent extremism. As she puts it, "...normalization of VAW is a kind of militarization of society. The correlation between the normalization of VAW and the acceptance of indoctrination of violent extremist ideology, especially among youth, is in the same trajectory. She was unhappy with media portrayal of women has come to become a champion of women's rights in Bangladesh and beyond.
Amena has received several national and international fellowships, which include the East-West Center Graduate Fellowship, CIDA International Fellowship, Commonwealth Staff Fellowship, SSRC Fellowship and Freedom Foundation Fellowship. She writes on rights, gender and minority, State, Democracy, Civil-Military relations, borders and human security issues.
Amena is the author of “The Politics of Nationalism: The Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh” (UPL, 1997), “The Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh: On The Difficult Road To Peace” (Lynn Rienner Publishers, 2002), “Ethnic Minorities of Bangladesh: Some Reflections the Saontals and Rakhaines” (Programme for Research on Poverty Alleviation, 2002), “Women and Militancy: South Asian Complexities”, edited (with Imtiaz Ahmed), (Dhaka, University Press Limited. 2011), Conflict and Partition, CHT, Bangladesh, (with Delwar Hossain, SAGE, 2015) and Of the Nation Born, edited with Hameeda Hossain, Zubaan, Delhi, 2016.
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