Lawmakers 'disappointed' with hostage policy reforms push legislation

Capitol Hill lawmakers on Tuesday slammed the anticipated White House hostage policy review and are pushing for more aggressive oversight of efforts to free Americans seized abroad.

Australian terrorists killed fighting for ISIS, teen wife says

Two of Australia's most infamous terrorists who left Australia to fight for ISIS have been killed, a close relative said.

U.S., China begin annual dialogue under cloud of mistrust

This week more than 400 Chinese officials are descending on Washington for three days of political, security and economic talks.

Europe gives new Greek plan a cautious welcome

Greece needs more bailout cash from Europe or it will miss a payment to the International Monetary Fund due June 30, setting it on an unpredictable path that could lead out of the eurozone.

Obama uses N-word, says we are 'not cured' of racism

President Barack Obama used the n-word during an interview released Monday to make a point that there's still plenty of room for America to combat racism.

Toxic moonshine kills 99 in Mumbai slum

Toxic moonshine has killed 99 people and seriously sickened scores of others of drinkers from a Mumbai slum, Indian police say.

Taliban try to attack Afghan Parliament, wounding dozens of civilians

Taliban militants detonated explosives and fired rockets in an attempted attack Monday on the Afghan Parliament that wounded dozens of civilians and startled lawmakers.

Baby among 10 people shot at Philadelphia block party

Ten people, including three children, were shot at a Philadelphia cookout and block party Saturday night.

Japan shakes off 67-year ban on dancing after midnight

On a recent Friday night, a small band of street performers breaks into an impromptu hip hop show near Shibuya crossing, one of the world's busiest intersections.

Focus of hunt for New York fugitives shifts to area west of prison

The latest search area for fugitives Richard Matt and David Sweat is focused in Owls Head in upstate New York, west of the prison from which they escaped more than two weeks ago.