758 killed, buildings collapse as 7.9 quake hits Nepal, India.

A powerful earthquake struck Nepal and sent tremors through northern India on Saturday, killing hundreds of people, toppling a 19th-century tower in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu and triggering a fatal avalanche on Mount Everest.

Gallipoli centenary: Australia and New Zealand mark Anzac Day

Australia and New Zealand are remembering soldiers from the two countries who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War One.

Obama downplays Russia weapons system sale to Iran.

President Barack Obama on Friday downplayed the significance of Russia's recent announcement that it would sell a missile-defense system to Iran, despite the White House having pressured Moscow since 2009 to refrain from making the transfer and having long seen limiting Tehran's military capacity as a key strategic objective.

Truth to power: Obama makes 'Deflategate' joke in front of Patriots.

Here's the life of a president: In the morning President Barack Obama spoke inside the White House and expressed deep regret for theaccidental killing of an American and Italian hostage held by al Qaeda during U.S. drone strikes.

The grim job that haunts Italy's migrant patrols.

The cramped galley of the ship is filled with the smell of fresh garlic frying in olive oil. Gaetano Cortese, a tall, thin, sunburned 27-year veteran of Italy's Guardia di Finanza (Finance Police) is waxing eloquent on his favorite subject: food.

Can Indian elephant take on Chinese dragon? 'Not in the next 20 years'

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi are two dynamic leaders at the helm of the world's two most populous nations.

New Zealand PM John Key embroiled in ponytail-pull furore.

New Zealand's leader seems to have gone from premier to playground bully.Prime Minister John Key has apologized to a waitress at his local cafe for repeatedly tugging on her ponytail,

Smoking gun: South Korea uncovers northern rival's hacking codes.

On March 20, 2013, a cyberattack brought chaos to several banks and media outlets in South Korea.Then more ominously on December 23 last year, computers at the country's nuclear operator were breached.

Eating toothpaste, avoiding gangs: Why migrants head to Mediterranean.

They come from more than 20 countries, drawn to Libya as the funnel to Europe.Eritreans want to escape repression or military service; Somalis flee Al-Shabaab and clan warfare

South Africa deploys troops to help stem immigrant attacks.

South African troops deployed Tuesday evening as part of a new government effort to stop deadly anti-immigrant violence.Their first target: the Johannesburg suburb of Jeppestown,