Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence

Pope Francis said on Sunday that equating Islam with violence was wrong and called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help dispel the stereotype. Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told reporters aboard his plane returning from a visit to Turkey that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism.

Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown resigns

The white police officer who killed Michael Brown has resigned from the Ferguson Police Department, his attorney said Saturday, nearly four months after the fatal confrontation with the black 18-year-old that led to protests across the US.

Air strikes failed to weaken IS: Syria

US-led strikes against the Islamic State group in Syria have failed to weaken the jihadist organisation, according to Syria’s foreign minister Walid Muallem. Speaking on Friday night to two Middle Eastern television stations, Muallem also said ‘more time’ was needed before a dialogue between the Syrian government and opposition could begin.

Pak agencies backing terror groups: India

India’s home minister hit out at Pakistan on Saturday, accusing its state agencies of using terror to try to destabilize India, and rejecting Pakistan’s assertion that non-state actors are involved in terrorism.

Venezuela plans salary cuts due to oil price slide

Venezuela’s President, Nicolas Maduro said on Friday he and other government officials should take salary cuts as part of budget reductions in response to the lower price of oil.

11 killed, 29 hurt in Nepal bus crash

A bus has veered off a mountain road in west Nepal, killing at least 11 people and injuring more than 29.

Syria army kills dozens in ambush east of Damascus

Syrian troops have killed 50 ‘terrorists’ in an ambush in the largely rebel-controlled countryside east of Damascus, according to state media. ‘An army unit killed 50 terrorists in an ambush while they tried to flee Mediya village,’

Briton among 6 dead as Kabul blast hits embassy vehicle

A suicide bomber rammed his explosives-packed car into a British embassy vehicle in Kabul on Thursday, killing one Briton and five Afghans in the latest attack to highlight fragile security as NATO troops withdraw.

Ebola vaccine seems safe in first-stage testing

An experimental Ebola vaccine appears safe and triggered signs of immune protection in the first 20 volunteers to test it, US researchers reported Wednesday.