Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir

Academic |
Teaching, Researcher, Writer |
Full Name: Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir
Affiliation: University of Dhaka
Current Position: Professor
Date of Birth: February 09, 1969
Place of Birth: Bangladesh
Home District: Rajbari
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir (born 09 February 1965) is a professor of economics in the Department of Development Studies of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is currently holding the charge of the Chairman of the Department. His career has spanned a variety of settings, including government, think tanks, international organizations, and media, in addition to academia.
Titumir was born in Rajbari district. He holds Ph.D. in Economics from the University of London, M. Sc. in Development and Financial Economics from the University of London, Certificate in Trade Policy and Commercial Diplomacy from the Universities of Carleton and Ottawa, BSS (Hons.) from the University of Dhaka, and HSC and SSC from Jhenidah Cadet College.
As a senior staff member and a senior advisor, Titumir has working experience with international organisations, civil society and NGOs in multicultural, multinational and diverse environments at home and abroad. He has provided advisory services to governments on multilateral negotiations such as WTO, UNFCCC, UNCBD, UN-ESCAP. He has been contributing as a member of committees of experts of different UN bodies.
Titumir is on boards of different organisations, networks and is the founding Chairperson of the Unnayan Onneshan, a multidisciplinary independent think-tank, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is at present Vice-Chairperson of IUCN Asia Regional Members Committee and Chairperson of IUCN National Committee of Bangladesh. He served on the Syndicate, the decision-making body of a university, and was Joint Secretary General of Bangladesh Federation of University Teachers' Association. He also has taught at the Royal Holloway, University of London and the Bangladesh Open University.
Titumir also acts as an Independent Director in publicly traded private companies and Member of Board in different social welfare organisations. He also advises trade unions on rights and entitlements.
Titumir wrote books and articles on various subjects. His latest books are: Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Developing Countries: State, Citizenship and Transformation (Routledge); State Building and Social Policies in Developing Countries: The Political Economy of Development (Routledge); Why Agriculture Productivity Falls: The Political Economy of Agrarian Transition in Developing Countries (Purdue University Press); Natural Resource Degradation and Human-Nature Wellbeing: Cases of Biodiversity Resources, Water Resources, and Climate Change (Springer); Numbers and Narratives in Bangladesh’s Economic Development (Palgrave Macmillan); and COVID-19 and Bangladesh: Response, Rights & Resilience (University Press Ltd).
Titumir writes columns for the newspapers and provides comments for print and electronic media of home and abroad.
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