First day of Jamaat hartal peaceful

The first day of 48-hour countrywide strike enforced by Jamaat-e-Islami protesting the death sentence of its assistant secretary general Muhammad Kamaruzzaman for his war crimes is progressing without any major incidents today.

Village of widows

Sohagpur victims wait to see Kamaruzzaman punished.

No escape

SC upholds death penalty for Kamaruzzaman; review scope still debatable.

DEATH for Jamaat's 'moneyman'

Mir Quasem taunts tribunal as it hands him maximum punishment on 2 war crimes charges.

SC upholds Kamaruzzaman’s death

The Supreme Court today upheld the death penalty to war criminal Muhammad Kamaruzzaman for one charge but commuted the highest penalty to life term imprisonment for another charge.

Khaleda terms Hasina ‘neo-Hitler’

The BNP chairperson said if her party and alliance came to power the recruitment of Bangladeshi manpower in the middle-East would be reopened.She said that the Awami League would not be able to do it as it had no good relation with Muslim world.Khaleda criticised the government’s claim of success in electricity saying there was no electricity in the country on Saturday.During about one-hour speech, Khaleda accused the government of making the judiciary partisan and urged the judges not to give judgements looking at face and party.

Jamaat’s hartal resumes today

Jamaat sources said they were waiting for the verdict in Mir Quasem Ali’s case which is scheduled for today to enforce yet another spell of hartal.‘We will announce a fresh 24-hour hartal if Mir Quasem is awarded maximum punishment,’ an executive council member of Jamaat said.Meanwhile, over a hundred of activists of Jamaat and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir were detained across the country ahead of the hartal on Saturday.Jamaat-Shibir men staged demonstrations and clashed with the police in Dhaka city and elsewhere on the day

Blackout all over as grid fails

The whole country on Saturday morning went into a rare power blackout which continued for hours together as the national grid collapsed after the 400kv power transmission line between India and Bangladesh tripped, officials said.The blackouts began at 11:27am and power could not be restored in most of the urban and rural areas until late into the night.