Suspect in death of woman held in box killed by Missouri police.

A Missouri woman kept captive in a wooden box for four months escaped in April, only to be shot to death this week along with her son -- and the suspect in their deaths was killed Saturday, authorities said.

Women activists cross DMZ between North and South Korea.

An international group of female activists crossed the heavily fortified border between North and South Korea on Sunday in an effort to bring attention to the need for peace between the two nations.

Indonesia, Malaysia agree to take in migrant ships, report says

The fate of thousands of migrants believed to be stranded in the Andaman Sea may have taken a step toward resolution with the conclusion of talks between Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand

Exclusive: China warns U.S. surveillance plane

The Chinese navy issued warnings eight times as a U.S. surveillance plane on Wednesday swooped over islands that Beijing is using to extend its zone of influence.The series of man-made islands and the massive Chinese military build-up on them have alarmed the Pentagon,

Norwegian cruise ship runs aground near Bermuda

The Norwegian Dawn cruise ship has run aground near Bermuda, an official with the Department of Marines and Ports said.None of the people on board was injured and the ship isn't taking on water, Chief Maritime Operations Controller Denis Rowe said.

U.N. chief: North Korea cancels visit

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said his planned visit Wednesday to a joint industrial complex has been canceled by North Korean authorities.In a speech in Seoul, the secretary-general said there was no explanation given by the North Koreans for the last-minute change.

Texas hunter bags his rhino on controversial hunt in Namibia

Knowlton arrived quietly in Namibia to hunt the famed black rhino.Nearly 18 months ago, the Texas hunter bid $350,000 to kill a black rhinoceros in the southern African country of Namibia.

Prince Harry: Bring back UK compulsory national service

After a weeklong trip to New Zealand, Britain's Prince Harry was full of praise for the armed forces and the disciplinary effect his 10-year service had on him. And he is calling for compulsory military service to be reinstated in the UK.

Obama will restrict grenade launchers, military equipment from local police

The Obama administration on Monday moved to prohibit federal agencies from providing local cops with certain kinds of military equipment such as grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and bayonets,

Officers warned about more bikers possibly heading to Texas after brawl

A memo has gone out to law enforcement in the wake of Sunday's shooting, warning officers that members of the Bandidos and Cossacks motorcycle gangs reportedly had been instructed to arm themselves and travel to north Texas.